Beschreibung: Aipin 3901 Avengers Justice League Chess Book
1507 Teile 6+ (+++)
hi there brick builders,
to we got a hero book that also doubles as a chess game - at least it tries... But have a look for yourself...
00:00 hi 01:36 instructions 02:36 the party trick 03:00 left over minifigs 03:23 the brick separator 03:33 unboxing 03:44 what you get 04:30 building starts 05:04 heroes for the city 15:00 conclusion 20:28 cu
#Avengers #JusticeLeague #hero
Anzeigen: 227
Dateigröße: 3080.01kb
Höhe: 1079 Breite: 1920 (Anzeige: 800 x 449)
Stichwörter: Avengers, Justice League, chess, book, legos eingestellt von: hell bei 14.02.2022, 22:20:42