Beschreibung: playmobil 70772 CITY ACTION fork lift 32 pcs. 2 figs 4-10
hi there brick builders, today we take another visit at playmobil, showing us how city really works: A fork lift with a painter...
00:00 hi 01:01 the box 01:48 the instructions 02:06 playfeatures 03:08 figs 03:57 unboxing 04:24 conclusion 05:17 cu
#playmobil #forklift #paint
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Dateigröße: 2548.84kb
Höhe: 1079 Breite: 1920 (Anzeige: 800 x 449)
Stichwörter: playmobil, forklift, paint eingestellt von: hell bei 11.01.2024, 20:56:52