„Wir freuen uns, einige der besten Flugbegleiter der Branche in unseren Diensten zu haben. Zu unserem größten Bedauern ist niemand von ihnen auf diesem Flug.”
Rockey's City Recycling Truck 11 pcs. 1 Minifig (Rockey)
Liberty's City Scooter 17 pcs. 1 Minifig (Liberty)
Rubble's City Construction Truck 17 pcs. 1 Minifig (Rubble)
Chase's City Police Cruiser 31 pcs. 1 Minifig (Chase)
hi there brick builders, some had high hopes for the time this would arrive in the world of bricks: Paw Patrol.
And since this cartoon series is very welcome with kids ages 2 to 8 also the Mega Bloks version is rather welcome with those. At least with the 2 to 4 ones since Mega Bloks only produces sets in Duplo size. So for everybody older it may be the minifigs of interest here but not much else. Will Mattell remedy that in the future?
And in addition we do have some Brick By Brick action as well as a destructive start. But ...
00:00 Hallo you 00:57 minifigs and metal 02:31 Mega Bloks and the mistakes 03:30 sets and play features 06:25 uses and conclusions 07:06 Brick By Brick 07:54 cu