Warum überquerte das Huhn die Straße? Sigmund Freud: Die Tatsache, daß Sie sich überhaupt mit der Frage beschäftigen, daß das Huhn die Straße überquerte, offenbart Ihre unterschwellige sexuelle Unsicherheit.
hi there brick builders, today we got a new kid on the block for this channel: the MJ brand. And they come with their "FRINCESS ICE CASTLE". So maybe it's an translation error but I guess they meant the frozen ice castle including brick built and not brick build figurines. But lets see for yourself.
00:00 hi 00:57 the instructions 02:14 figs 05:30 fragile castle and where is Sven? 07:50 peaces and light bricks 08:20 unboxing 08:48 a fragile beast 11:20 concluding peaces 16:50 cu