today a set with a bit of a history, ab bit of an attitude. Xiangbaos dangerous alien! And it looks like that and it behaves like a real predator - very unstable and unpredictable.
00:00 Hi! 00:58 Ouch! 01:27 "beauty-shots" 04:11 the box 04:36 the instructions 05:30 reassembly / conclusion 08:59 cu
as it so happens, when you are building a city you need a lot of people in there. And one of the easy ways to get those are the lot of hero books that are out there. Unfortunately they are full of heroes and we can't have that.
So wee need to de - avengers - fy our figs even if that sounds like a sacrilege. In this case we are talking about Black Panther who resurfaces as a violent zombie. Not as smooth as once.
Just RUN!
No Lego was harmed due to the production of this video.
#avengers #blackpanther #sacrilege
Stichworte: sacrilege, avengers, black, panther Stichworte: sacrilege avengers black panther
heute haben wir ein kleines Set aus Cobis Super Wings Serie: Paul. Paul ist eines der kleinen Flugzeuge welches aber noch gut rollt. Wie es sich ansonsten innerhalb der Familie schlägt: seht selbst.
00:00 Hallo 01:10 Das Set 01:45 Die Familie 02:40 Rollen 03:04 Fazit 04:55 tschüß!
#SuperWings #Paul #Cobi
Stichworte: Super, Wings, Paul, Cobi Stichworte: Super Wings Paul Cobi
as it so happens, when you are building a city you need a lot of people in there. And one of the easy ways to get those are the lot of hero books that are out there. Unfortunately they are full of heroes and we can't have that.
So wee need to de - avengers - fy our figs even if that sounds like a sacrilege. In this case we are talking about our old friend Batman who quickly becomes a deeply sun tanned worker with an attitude.
Do not mess with him!
No Lego was harmed due to the production of this video.
#avengers #batman #sacrilege
Stichworte: sacrilege, avengers, batman Stichworte: sacrilege avengers batman
as it so happens, when you are building a city you need a lot of people in there. And one of the easy ways to get those are the lot of hero books that are out there. Unfortunately they are full of heroes and we can't have that.
So wee need to de - avengers - fy our figs even if that sounds like a sacrilege. This time it's Black Widow who becomes a racer directly from hell.
Are you fast enough to get away?
No Lego was harmed due to the production of this video.
#avengers #blackwidow #sacrilege
Stichworte: sacrilege, avengers, black, widow Stichworte: sacrilege avengers black widow
LEGO 31111 Creator 3 in 1 Cyber Mech Cyber Bike Cyber Drone
113 pcs 1 minifig 6+
hi there brick builders, this time we got a 3in1-set from LEGO. What this can do and what it can't and what I think of cool marketing: See for yourself.
00:00 Hallo you 00:50 the box 01:33 the Cyber Mech 03:06 the Cyber Bike 04:19 the Cyber Drone 06:07 pieces and quality 06:32 the minifig 07:02 unboxing 07:24 conclusion 09:08 cu
as it so happens, when you are building a city you need a lot of people in there. And one of the easy ways to get those are the lot of hero books that are out there. Unfortunately they are full of heroes and we can't have that.
So wee need to de - avengers - fy our figs even if that sounds like a sacrilege. In this case it's Arrow who will become an evil gun man who might not being the brightest light on the tree - at least by judging his gun holding skills.
Better stand clear of him.
No Lego was harmed due to the production of this video.
as it so happens, when you are building a city you need a lot of people in there. And one of the easy ways to get those are the lot of hero books that are out there. Unfortunately they are full of heroes and we can't have that.
So wee need to de - avengers - fy our figs even if that sounds like a sacrilege. In this case it's Aquaman who will become a nice and muscular woman to any diversity delight.
Have fun with her!
No Lego was harmed due to the production of this video.
station (3 parts) command vehicle ladder helicopter
hi there brick builders, this is a rather new experiment for this channel: I bought used LEGO. Not any used LEGO, but a rather well played with city fire station just to get the yest of it - and something to play for my kids...
00:00 hi! 01:06 vehicles and such 02:38 figs and dogs 03:06 play features 05:31 instructions 06:35 a box 07:02 unboxing and missing pieces 08:36 conclusion 09:42 cu
#LEGO #firestation #used
Stichworte: LEGO, firestation, used Stichworte: LEGO firestation used
wer geglaubt hat, dass der Beef nur Randeischeinungen der Szene wie den Helden oder Jonny trifft: Weit gefehlt!
Nun sind es die wahren Schwergewichte (Sascha) BerlinBricks und Paul von den Klemmbausteinen, die offenbar eine einst herrliche Freundschaft aufgegeben haben um sich zu fetzen.
Helft mir bitte, die beiden müssen damit aufhören. Sagt es ihnen!
6794 pcs. app. 26 x 26 x 50 cm 1 minifig (not in europe)
hi there brick builders,
today we got a big set from 2019 witch shows the quality Xingbao had at this point in time. As far as I know, with the ca. 6800 pcs. it's still the biggest set Xingbao sells/sold.
We also have a custom ligthing solution here, so be prepared for some soldering.
00:00 Hi 01:00 the box 01:25 let there be light 02:10 modular 03:24 enlightened temple 03:40 rewiring a hub 06:25 building fun 10:21 conclusion 14:00 cu
heute haben wir wieder einmal ein Technik-Fahrzeug auf dem Kanal. Und wie "üblich" ist es kein ganz "normales" Fahrzeug sondern ein Traktor mit Kettenantrieb und Knicklenkung.
Aber dies ist auch ein Reparaturvideo. Warum? Seht selbst!
#Winner #JohnDeere #Reperatur
00:00 Hallo 01:00 Anleitung 02:00 Funktionen 04:53 Elektrik 06:18 Aufkleber und Panels 07:23 Fernbedienung 08:00 Funktioniert nicht! 10:28 Unboxing 11:20 übrige Teile 11:36 Fahrimpressionen "outdoors" 13:56 Fazit 17:32 tschüß
Rockey's City Recycling Truck 11 pcs. 1 Minifig (Rockey)
Liberty's City Scooter 17 pcs. 1 Minifig (Liberty)
Rubble's City Construction Truck 17 pcs. 1 Minifig (Rubble)
Chase's City Police Cruiser 31 pcs. 1 Minifig (Chase)
hi there brick builders, some had high hopes for the time this would arrive in the world of bricks: Paw Patrol.
And since this cartoon series is very welcome with kids ages 2 to 8 also the Mega Bloks version is rather welcome with those. At least with the 2 to 4 ones since Mega Bloks only produces sets in Duplo size. So for everybody older it may be the minifigs of interest here but not much else. Will Mattell remedy that in the future?
And in addition we do have some Brick By Brick action as well as a destructive start. But ...
00:00 Hallo you 00:57 minifigs and metal 02:31 Mega Bloks and the mistakes 03:30 sets and play features 06:25 uses and conclusions 07:06 Brick By Brick 07:54 cu
today we shed a bit of light on PlusPlus bricks from Denmark. It is said that they manage to condense all the creativity if blocks in just one mold - the plusplus mold.
heute haben wir ein wenig älteres Cobi im Programm. Wie sich also Cobi 2016 angefühlt hat, und was man damit spielen konnte: seht selbst.
00:00 Hallo! 00:55 Die Box 01:20 Was drin ist 01:38 Die Anleitung 02:22 Die Figuren 04:40 Das Auto 05:15 Reste 05:48 Bedruckung 06:20 Probleme und Merkwürdigkeiten 08:40 Unboxing 10:25 Fazit 12:20 und tschüß
#Cobi #Feuerwehr #Action #Town
Stichworte: Cobi, Feuerwehr, action, town Stichworte: Cobi Feuerwehr action town
Trabant 601 Volkspolizei der DDR 75 Teile 10x5x5 cm 1:35
hallo liebe Klemmbausteinbaumeister,
heute ein Fahrzeug, welches eigentlich kein Youngtimer mehr ist, der Trabant 601 der Volkspolizei der DDR von Cobi. Das voll bedruckte Fahzeug besticht durch seine Rolleigenschaften und vor allem durch seine Form- und Detailfülle. Aber seht selbst:
Vie Spaß beim Bauen Viel Spaß beim Schauen Viel Spaß beim Spielen
und tschüß
00:00 Hallo! 01:20 Die Box 02:12 Die Anleitung 03:28 Die Drucke 04:40 Ein Freund 04:49 Der Trabant 601 05:50 Das Schild und Vergleiche 06:30 Farben und Innenleben 08:44 Unboxing 10:01 Cobi-Farben 10:35 Fazit 12:57 Tschüß
4950++ pcs. 51.5 x 15.5 x 13cm 7 minifigs (diamond figs?)
hi there brick builders,
today we have the first big diamond blocks set in this channel. And to spice up the build it is also built in a brick by brick manner. But look for yourself.
00:00 hi 01:01 diamond blocks 01:55 the box 02:36 the instructions 03:22 the figs 05:26 a view from above 06:07 friends - will be friends 06:37 all in pieces 06:58 let the building start 07:20 unboxing 08:32 diamond feeling 12:24 conclusion 14:30 cu
heute werfen wir einen Blick auf die Klemmbausteine von PlusPlus aus Dänemark. Der Hersteller besticht vor allem durch seine Einfachheit indem er Welten mit nur einer Form erschaffen kann und natürlich mit der freien Phantasie, die PlusPlus ohne komplizierte Anleitungen fördert.
Bluebrixx Special 101274 Overlight Space Ship Meteor
aka Capitain Future's Comet 987 pcs.
hi there brick builders, today we are focusing on a legendary Bluebrixx Special. The Meteor also well known from the 70's and 80's cartoon series Capitain Future as the Comet.
But this is a revisit just to see how the ship fared with age.
so have fun!
00:00 hi! 01:10 it's all in the head 02:08 partly quality 02:53 shuttle 03:17 professor 03:36 shelving dreams 03:50 conclusion 05:30 cu